Hotel Information
Dear Valuable Guest,
On behalf of 1O1 URBAN Jakarta Kelapa Gading, we would like to welcome you to our hotel. Whether you are here for business or leisure, we have a variety of facilities to ensure your stay with us are both enjoyable and comfortable.
You will find in this e-Compendium all the relevant information to assist you to our facilities, our services, food and beverage options and local information.
We trust, you will enjoy your stay with us. Should you require any further assistance please dial "8" for our service consultant.
Sincerely yours,
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Kelapa Gading
Hotel Facilities
Lobby Floor
Komunal Kafe
Open from 7AM to 9PM
Komunal Meeting Room
VIP Room at Komunal Resto
M Floor
Unique Meeting Room
Ready Meeting Room
Bright Meeting Room
Active Meeting Room
Next Meeting Room
Hotel Directory
Guest Service - dial "8" or whatsapp "0857-8000-9101"
Komunal Kafe - dial "5" or whatsapp "0858-101-93-101"
Waktu check in mulai pukul 14:00.
Our check in time start from 14:00.
Waktu check out sampai dengan pukul 12:00 siang, Keterlambatan waktu check out akan dikenakan biaya tambahan.
Our check out time until 12:00 noon, late check out is chargeable.
Untuk user ID dan password Wi-Fi. Silahkan menghubungi layanan guest service kami. - dial "8".
For Wi-Fi ID and password, please contact our guest service.
Disetiap kamar terdapat Safe Deposit Box.
Safe Deposit Box is available in every room.
Merokok di kamar dan di area "Dilarang Merokok" akan di kenakan denda sebesar Rp 1.000.000,-.
Smoking in non designated area and room will be charged one million rupiah.
Emergency Phone Numbers
JAKARTA UTARA : 021 493 045
POS KELAPA GADING : Jalan Raya Pelepah Indah
POLISI : 110
POS POLISI KELAPA GADING : 021 - 45845 465
POLSEK KELAPA GADING : 021 - 21453 2439
DIREKTORAT SABHARA : 021 - 523 4241
GEGANA POLDA METRO JAYA : 021 - 8710 193
KODIM 0502 JAKARTA UTARA : 021 - 651 0340
KORAMIL KELAPA GADING : 021 - 458 42157
KORAMIL KELAPA GADING : 021 - 4585 2777
AGD DINKES JAKARTA UTARA : 021 - 2120 1123
AMBULANCE GRATIS : 021 - 6530 3118
SAR (Search and Rescue) :
1156 -
021- 424 0190
021 - 424 6321
021 - 523 4313
Safety Information
Prosedur jika terjadi Kebakaran
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Kelapa Gading dilengkapi dengan sistem alarm kebakaran. Semua staf kami dilatih untuk menangani situasi darurat dengan cepat dan efisien. Detektor asap dipasang di seluruh hotel serta dikamar tamu. Hotel ini juga memiliki sistem alarm internat elektronik yang terus-menerus memantau interior seluruh bangunan dan secara otomatis meneruskan alarm kebakaran ke Stasiun Pemadam Kebakaran terdekat.
Procedure in the event of fire
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Kelapa Gaiding is equipped with a fire alarm system. All our staffs are trained to deal with emergency situations quickly and efficiently. Smoke detectors are installed throughout the hotel as well as in the guest rooms. The hotel also has an electronic internal alarm system that constantly monitors the interior of the entire building and automatically passes any fire alarms onto the nearest Fire Brigade Station.
Dalam Keadaan Darurat
Kami sangat meminta Anda untuk membiasakan diri dengan lokasi pintu darurat, sistem alarm kebakaran dan alat pemadam kebakaran serta termasuk Petunjuk Keselamatan berikut. Harap perhatikan petunjuk Pintu Keluar Darurat yang terletak di pintu masuk kamar Anda.
In case of emergency
We urgently request that you familiarize yourself with the location of the emergency exits, fire alarm system and fire extinguisher as well including the following Safety Instructions. Please take note of the Emergency Exit Plan which is located at your room's entrance.
Silahkan Coba Perhatikan poin-poin dalam perjalanan ke kamar Anda:
Temukan pintu keluar darurat terdekat dari kamar Anda. Hitung dan ingat jumlah pintu antara kamar Anda dan pintu keluar. Buka Pintu keluar darurat dan segera menuju ke tempat titik kumpul dan tinggalkan ruangan anda.
Please try to observe the points en route to your room:
Locate the nearest emergency exit to your room. Count and remember the number of doors between your room and that exit. Open the emergency exit door and immediately go to the meeting point.
Apa yang harus dilakukan jika Anda melihat Api:
Jika ada Api atau Asap di kamar Anda, segera pergi dan tinggalkan ruangan Anda. Jika Anda berada di koridor, aktifkan alarm kebakaran terdekat. Tombol alarm dipasang didekat setiap lift. Harap jangan mengambil risiko pribadi, hanya mencoba untuk memadamkan api kecil dengan bantuan alat pemadam, jika aman untuk melakukannya. Jika terjadi kebakaran besar, segera tinggalkan gedung, Harap tetap tenang!
What to do if you notice fire:
If there is fire or smoke in your room, leave immediately. If you are in the corridor activate the nearest fire alarm. Alarm buttons are installed near every elevator. Please do not take any personal risk, only attempt to put out small fires with the aid of an extinguisher, if safe to do so. In case of a large fire, leave building immediately. Please keep calm!
Jika Anda melihat Api, harap ingat poin-poin berikut:
Hubungi nomor darurat jika Anda bisa
Tutup semua jendela dan pintu
Tetap tenang
If you notice a fire, please remember the following points:
Call the emergency number if you can
Close all windows and doors
Keep calm
Apa yang harus dilakukan jika alarm berbunyi saat Anda berada di kamar:
Segera tinggalkan kamarmu!
Lift tidak boleh digunakan jika terjadi kebakaran
Tangga darurat tersedia sebagai jalur keluar darurat
What to do if the alarm is given while you are in your room:
Leave your room immediately!
Lifts should not be used in the event of fire
The emergency staircase is available as an emergency exit route
Jika Anda meninggalkan kamar Anda untuk pergi ke pintu darurat terdekat, silahkan lakukan sebagai berikut:
Buka pintu dengan hati-hati dan pastikan apakah ada asap di koridor
Jika hanya sedikit asap yang terlihat, berjalanlah secepat mungkin ke pintu darurat!
Jika gelap, rasakan jalan Anda di sepanjang dinding dan hitung pintu ke pintu darurat!
Lanjutkan dalam posisi berjongkok, karena udara di tanah lebih baik daripada di tingkat yang lebih tinggi!
Jangan pernah mencoba melewati asap tebal!
Jangan menggunakan Lift!
Selalu ingat untuk tetap tenang!
Lampu di koridor kami akan tetap menyala pada saat aliran listrik padam, lanjutkan pada posisi jongkok / merangkak menuju tangga darurat!
If you leave your room to go to the nearest emergency exit, please proceed as follows:
Carefully open the door and establish whether there is smoke in the corridor
If only a little smoke is visible, make your way as rapidly as possible to the next emergency exit!
If it is dar, feel your way along the wall and count the doors to the emergency exit!
Proceed in a crouched position, as the air on the ground is better than on higher levels!
Never try to go through thick smoke!
Don't use the elevators!
Always remember to be calm!
The corridor lights will stay on when the electricity goes out, then come out in a squatting position / crawl to the emergency stairs
Apa yang harus dilakukan jika Anda tidak bisa meninggalkan kamar?
Hubungi nomor darurat atau tekan angka 8 dan informasikan situasi Anda.
Tetap di kamar Anda, jika pintu keluar diblokir, ini adalah tempat yang paling aman
Letakkan Handuk dan Seprai basah di kaki pintu untuk mencegah asap masuk ke kamar Anda
Turunkan gorden, jika api mencapai jendela dari luar setidaknya tidak ada bahan yang menyala
Siapkan keranjang sampah untuk digunakan sebagai ember agar handuk dan seprai tetap basah di pintu
Buat diri Anda terlihat dan lambaikan selembar kain di jendela sebagai sinyal kepada pemadam kebakaran bahwa kamar Anda ditempati
Tutup mulut dan hidung dengan kain lembab untuk memudahkan pernapasan
Jangan memecahkan jendela apapun kecuali diperlukan
Jendela yang tertutup mencegah aliran udara masuk ke dalam Api
Pertimbangkan tindakan Anda dengan hati hati dan tetap Tenang
What to do if you cannot leave your room
Call the emergency number ( 8 ) and inform of your situation
Remain in your room, if exit is blocked, this is the safest place to be
Place wet towels and sheets against the foot of the door to prevent smoke from entering your room
Take the curtains down, if the fire reaches the window from outside at least no material will be set alight
Keep wastepaper baskets ready for use as buckets so that you can keep towels and sheets at the door wet
Make yourself noticeable and wave a sheet at the window as a signal to Fire brigade that your room is occupied
Cover your mouth and nose with a damp clothe to ease breathing
Do not break any windows unless necessary
Closed windows prevent draughts of air feeding the fire
Consider your actions carefully and remain calm
TV Channels
In House Information
HBO Signature HD
HBO Familly HD
Celestial Movies
Animal Planet
Discovery Channel
Music Tv
Cartoon Network
beIN Sport 1
beIN Sport 2
NHK World Japan
ABC Australia
Trans TV
Metro TV
Kompas TV
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Kelapa Gading, the Gorgeous choice when practicality comes to priority. A simple stay with 171 urban rooms and compact to medium meeting rooms with stylish design for Short Trip or Business Meeting.
30 minutes, from Soekarno – Hatta International Airport
20 minutes from downtown Jakarta
20 Minutes to Ancol Beach, Dufan and Seaworld
15 minutes from Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran
10 Minutes to ITC Cempaka Mas
10 minutes to Mall Artha Gading and Mall Kelapa Gading
5 Minutes to Mall of Indonesia (MOI)
Dear Guest,
As part of our contribution for the ECO GREEN we would like to invite you to join our committing the following contribution:
To minimize the use of chemical, we recommend our housekeeping department to change the collection of linens & towels every two days instead of daily.
To minimize the energy and electricity usage, please turn off the AC, lighting and TV upon leaving the guestroom.
To converse the limited amount of water in Jakarta, please close all water tap in the bathroom and basin when it is not needed.
Thank you for your contribution